The Witch Salon
Collaboration with Objet de Curiosité & Romarine Ronzon-Jaricot.
Objet de Curiosité X Design Shades
Photographed by Romarine Ronzon-Jaricot
Design Shades collaborated with Lilau from Objet de Curiosité and the photographer Romarine Ronzon-Jaricot to depict the interior of a contemporary Witch and illustrate the palette of the Witchcraft article.
- Objet de Curiosité -
is a decoration company designing unique objects and taking inspiration in 19th century Curiosity Cabinets. Lilau Grange-Jaricot, one of the founder of the company is a Decorator Witch juggling with colours, unique objects and vintage furniture to create interiors both contemporary and charged with history. Check the brand here : Objet de Curiosité
- Romarine Ronzon-Jaricot -
is a young Witch Photographer challenging society codes. Among other projects, she worked on a series questioning the notion of virility and gender expectations. Check out her work here : Romarine Ronzon-Jaricot
Witchcraft Palette
The Witch Salon
This powdery and tactile palette is the one of the contemporary Witch. She lives her life conciliating work, family and magic spells in an elegant and well designed home.
To create this decor, Lilau played around with objects charged with history and symbolic, like these incredible mineral pieces and the witch mirror. She blended them together with contemporary designs of Objet de Curiosité ’s own creation.
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July 2020