what we love about the unexpected.
Def. Randomness : the quality or state of lacking a pattern or principle of organization.
= Unpredictability.
In this new era of technologies and social media, we spend our days being bombarded with images and content. The creative world is moving very fast, even faster now with the rising influence of social media. We see so much in one day that everyone is now able to see the pattern. It is easy to understand where an inspiration is coming from and how many times something has been seen.
Our only way out, to remain surprised, have a feeling of newness and escape the pattern is randomness. It feels so refreshing not to be able to understand why a shape, why a color and just contemplate something without having a grasp on the “why”.
But in what conditions can we reach this feeling of randomness that we are craving for ?
PuRe im@giNatiøn
Going deep into the imaginary world of a creative can be a very good way to find yourself surrounded by unexpected colors and shapes and feel a bit like Alice in Wonderland. When the imagination is raw and authentic, it is difficult to understand its inspirations or references. That is why a designer’s mind can be the best place for randomness.
A creative who inspired me a lot for this article is the designer Walter Van Beirendonck. He recently won a Beazly Design of the year award for designing the new costumes of the Magical flutes show. They are, indeed, made out of pure imagination, a bit like children drawings.
BäcK to ĊraFt
Lately we can also observe a big come back of craft products over industrial ones. This movement is, most likely, influenced by the need for sustainability and short cycles but also by a need for uniqueness. Creative people are experimenting more and more with materials. We are now invaded by ceramics and glass objects with weird, random shapes like if they made themselves up.
Today, a few very nice concept stores are popping up, proposing a selection of craft objects each one more weird than the last. They really seem curated with this notion of randomness in mind. The À Rebours boutique from the Galleries Lafayette in Le Marais in Paris is a really good example of this new trend. I also recently discovered 12 Thirteen online shop which is really worth the visit as well.
Thë møre DifFereŊt the B€tTer
In our quest for randomness and surprise, we are more and more interested in outstanding and different people with the most atypical particularities. This wave of inclusivity we can observe in fashion and advertising is also a good example of our need for unpredictability. We are tired of being all the same and we need something different, we need randomness to feel alive. This movement is one of the best one that happened to fashion and advertising in a long time because it truly allows people to accept themselves as they are.
But the funny thing now is to realize that, after writing an article like this one, it becomes obvious that randomness is also turning into a noticeable trend with its own colors and codes.
How long will this movement remain a way to escape the trends if it is itself becoming one ?
Colour Palette
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Real Virtuality
The frontier between real world and virtual world is getting thiner and thiner.
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