Real Virtuality
throught the looking screen…
Put on your filters !
The frontier between virtual and real is getting thinner and thinner. The global confinement not only accelerated this phenomenon but made it necessary. Being stuck at home really triggered the need to broaden our reality in the only Covid free space: the digital world.
Like Alice through the looking glass we will soon not be able to make the difference between dream and reality anymore.
A new archetype for technology
We all have in mind this sanitized vision of technology from sci-fi movies: white, clean, seamless with some blue led twinkling around.
When we think about it, this vision is very far from what humans need. Indeed, now a days, we notice a more playful approach to technology aiming to trigger all the senses instead of sanitizing them. Digital and Tech are now triggering the imagination and becoming more tactile and visual. Technology is becoming more human centered, at last.
Material exploration
It is in the CMF world that things are getting really interesting. Hyper-realistic renders are not the ultimate goal anymore. Artists and designers realized that they didn’t have to respect the rules of reality anymore to produce visual content. They started to explore and invent new digital materials that are now a source of inspiration to be transcribed back into the real world. How to give this surreal digital feeling to a tangible material ?
Some emerging brands like The Fabricant even propose cloths, wearable only in the digital world. You can now wear textiles that couldn’t exist IRL in a space where you actually spend more than half of our time.
Digital Identity
Social media dived fully into this in-between visual world mixing reality with digital. The rise of face filters now allows artists to express themselves on everybody’s face and broaden our daily reality. One of my favorite digital artist is Ines Alpha. She literally creates face jewelry for your Instagram stories.
An other interesting phenomenon is the emergence of digital influencers like Lil Miquela. This CGI figure calling herself a robot has a life of her own on the social media and really makes you question your reality. I love this picture of her on her computer : where is she actually ? In front of her webcam or just always in there ?
Happy ever after
In conclusion, don’t ever let your old aunty telling you that you spend too much time on your phone ever again. There is amazing things happening in there allowing us to question the real world and making it broader and happier.
Real life, Digital life, we should not underestimate or ignore either of these two realities and embrace them both.
Design Shades X
Raquel F. Design
Design Shades collaborate for the first time with the designer Raquel Fernandez-Caamaño to create Synesthesia and illustrate the Real Virtuality colour palette.
Check her Insta :
Approaching spirituality in a contemporary way focusing on well-being, Nature and femininity.
July 2020
The only way out, to remain surprised, have a feeling of newness and escape the trends pattern.