The digital world, like a magical aura amplifying reality
May 2023
Why is the Lilac colour influencing the creative world since more than three years ?
October 2022
How to go back to primary ways without forgetting all what humanity has achieved technically and emotionally ?
April 2022
Interview with an inspiring young designer proposing a new gaze on city heritage.
March 2022
In praise for plants. They are our past, our present but mainly our future.
December 2021
The marvelous world of Iona Thomas
November 2021
Approaching spirituality in a contemporary way focusing on well-being, Nature and femininity.
July 2020
The frontier between real world and virtual world is getting thiner and thiner.
May 2020
The only way out, to remain surprised, have a feeling of newness and escape the trends pattern.
October 2019
Discover an other vision of the future, far from the european archetypes.
July 2019
An amazing exhibition at the Triennale in Milan gathering all the game changing projects tackling our future on the planet.
June 2019
What about a future where we would choose to live underwater…
May 2019
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